Saturday, March 4, 2017

AnimeMagzs Blogger Template


B1. How to Display Post Specific Label in Homepage

custom post is already available on a template but when uploading a new template you need to fill in the name of the label that will appear.
like this example
1. Sign in to Blogger
2. Your Blog  Layout

B2. Display the date on the homepage blog

while uploading this template, the date does not appear only text 201 undefined undefined
This is a special setting to display the date that is above the post title
1. Sign in to Blogger
2. Your Blog  Settings  Language and formatting settings
3. Follow the instructions that I've circled.

4. Then click the button "Save Settings".

B3. Changing Description of the widget About Us located in Footer

descriptions in question are as shown below, when uploading new template, the description located in footer is empty.

then how do I fix this?
1. Sign in to Blogger
2. Your Blog  Layout Edit Widget (in footer widget, first widget)
3. Use Mode Rich Text, enter a description of what you want, then press Save

B4. Edit / Add Author Post

i add this feature because request someone from fanpage facebook :)..
1. Sign in to Blogger
2. Your Blog  Template  Edit HTML
3. Search Code author_post by using CTRL + F on the box HTML Editor, scroll down then it will see the full code like this
<div class='cl' id='author-post'><h4 class='main-head'>About the author</h4>
<div class='author-thumb fl'>
<b:if cond=' == &quot;Tutorial Ku&quot;'>
<img alt='author' src='' title='author'/>
<b:else/><!-- if anon user / the user is not identified -->
<img alt='author' src='' title='author'/>
<div class='author-box'><div class='author-title cl'><b><></b><span>Realase at <time><abbr class='updated published' expr:title='data:post.timestampISO8601' itemprop='datePublished'><data:post.timestamp/></abbr></time></span></div>
<p class='author-snippet'>
<b:if cond=' == &quot;Tutorial Ku&quot;'>
What better way is there to encourage modern youths to ride public transportation than to recruit attractive young men? Ryo Ono and Takeru Jujo joined the Get On! Kyoto City Subway campaign on Tuesday to do just that 
<b:else/><!-- if anon user / the user is not identified -->
4. Replace name Tutorial Ku with your name, do not forget to change the picture.

Replace the description below with your description
What better way is there to encourage modern youths to ride public transportation than to recruit attractive young men? Ryo Ono and Takeru Jujo joined the Get On! Kyoto City Subway campaign on Tuesday to do just that
5. Then Save Template

How to know the name your Blogger
first you must know the name of your bloggers. (Case Sensitive).
1. Sign in to Blogger
2. Your Blog  Settings  Basic
3. then scroll down PERMISSIONS

How to Add Author of more than 1
for blog which having many staff / more than 1.
add the code <b:elseif cond=' == &quot;YOUR_NAME&quot;'> diatas <b:else/><!-- if anon user / the user is not identified -->, replace YOUR_NAME with your name, do repeatedly if staff / admin so many
for example :
<b:if cond=' == &quot;Tutorial Ku&quot;'>
<img alt='author' src='link_url_img' title='author'/>
<b:elseif cond=' == "siAcilPenagih"'>
<img alt='author' src='link_url_img' title='author'/>
<b:elseif cond=' == "Usagilabs"'>
<img alt='author' src='link_url_img' title='author'/>
<b:else/><!-- if anon user / the user is not identified -->
<img alt='author' src='' title='author'/>
AnimeMagzs Blogger Template
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