E1. Fix Bug Post Template Manga
This is a bug that exists only in the manga blog.you just need to add the following code when you make a Post Chapter Manga!.
use the code at the top of each create post chapter manga to avoid the bug.
E2. Edit Language and formatting settings
1. Sign in to Blogger2. Your Blog Settings Language and formatting settings
3. Follow the instructions that I've circled.
4. Then click the button "Save Settings".
E3. Display Widget Manga Slider
1. Sign in to Blogger2. Yourblog Layout Edit Widget below the text "Manga Slider".
3. enter the name of the label post, remember before entering the label name of post. your should know that the label must have six post or more.
4. Save.
E4. Edit Widget Info Blog
1. Sign in to Blogger2. Yourblog Layout Edit Widget below the text "Info Blog".
3. enter the blogs.
4. Save
E5. Create Post Manga Chapter with Script
1. Sign in to Blogger2. Posts New Post
3. Copy Code from file "HTML - Post Manga with Script.txt" located in the templates folder
4. Put Image right under the code , do not forget to post settings such as image "Option Blog.png". to upload do not forget to follow "Layout Upload Image.png" located in the templates folder
5. Publish
E6. Create Post Manga Info
1. Sign in to Blogger2. Posts New Post
3. Copy Code from file "HTML - Post Manga Info.txt" located in the templates folder
4. Do not forget to change the information manga. see information in myanimelist
5. Publish
E7. Set the Number of Posts that appear on Homepage
1. Sign in to Blogger2. Yourblog Template Edit HTML
3. Find Code
4. Save Template
E8. Enabled Slider RTL Mode
1. Sign in to Blogger2. Your Blog Template Edit HTML
3. Find code rtl:!1 and replace with rtl:!0
4. Save Template
MizuManga Blogger Template
Tulis commentswhere is the download link?
ReplyI can't zoom in on the template, how do I resolve it?
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